Monday, August 1, 2011

Fresh Air....and deathly mosquitoes!

Life in general seems so stressful; I think we can all agree on this statement. Either we are stressed because we are too busy or stressed that we are not enjoying life to its fullest (or at least what the media portrays as it’s fullest) either way it leaves us with stress!
Crazy how emotions can literally control your body’s health, from migraines to stomach issues to weight gain and the list goes on. Recently, my own stress has dictated how I feel when I wake up until I go to sleep. Of course medicines can solve almost any problem but for lack of wanting to be a puppet on meds I decided to simply take a walk.
The simple stroll around my block gave me a solid ten minutes (it's a large block) to be alone; just me and my thoughts. The birds chirping, bunnies hopping (seriously I have never seen so many bunnies in such a short period of time) It was the best 10 minutes of my day and the least stressful period all week.
After my nice stroll I felt rejuvenated and ready to write- hence my blog! Pour myself a tall glass of wine, light a citronella candle and park my bum on my front porch. I lasted about 90 seconds exactly until I was attacked by an army of mosquitoes. Note to self, never purchase a citronella candle from Ocean State Job Lot! It is false advertising. Quickly grabbing my things and taking refuge in my living room my feet and calves began to burn and itch as if I overdosed on Perks (it makes me itchy)
2 minutes later I continue writing with an even taller glass of wine and ice packs on my legs to numb the itching.
Lesson of the day: Mosquitoes suck!